Monday, May 26, 2008


This weekend I went to a local art exhibit called Artomatic. It's a building that hosts around 10 to 12 floors of local art. I only viewed floor 12 and 11, but they were both phenomenal.
I spent about 20 minutes talking with this artist from Afghanistan. He showed me some of his art work that he was working on and we talked about painting. He urged me to start painting again and gave me some advice as far as getting frustrated while painting.

I do this with every piece of "art form" I pursue. If I start getting frustrated with my painting, I keep trying to fix it and I just end up ruining it more. Then I give up on the piece all together. I do the same thing when I try to write music. I get started on an idea, and then I get frustrated and never finish. I don't know how many little pop tunes or sounds I've created without ever finishing them...

Taurus' are known to be like this...they have great ideas, but never go about starting or finishing them because they don't think it will be great or are insecure about what others might think of the project, or are lazy. I tend to think if they aren't going the way I thought or if I'm not in love with it right away, it's not worth finishing. I need to stop this. Of course it's not going to be great at first. I'm just starting out. How can I expect to write an amazing song that I'm proud of in a day? Or paint with oils and expect a masterpiece. I have high expectations of myself...I need to just readjust my default thought process and keep at it and not give up or get frustrated. OR when I DO get frustrated, learn to walk away! This is a hard thing to do, but seriously....

After seeing all the amazing local artists (some not so much, but I appreciated their expressions through art) it made me want to paint again. I look forward to going home and getting out my oils..I owe Preslie a painted picture. I've been promising her one for a few years now.

The above picture is of this guy named Tony. He is very well known for his break-dancing skills. And I can attest to his dancing abilities! He makes girls quiver and scream in the audience! Did I forget to mention that at ARTOMATIC, there was the after party to this break dancing competition? Oh was filled with high school kids who could bust moves I only saw in "Bring it On" or "Step It Up" or whatever teen-dance movies are out. And these kids are so stylish and sassy! The hip-hop scene is awesome. I want to learn how to C-walk so bad!

Maybe I'll take a class...this week was pretty crappy. I've felt like I've been here two months, when really it's only been two weeks. I'm going to make more of an effort to get out and meet people. I'm so used to people coming to me and making friends with me first. I never make the first move. I'm sure my ex-boyfriends can reaffirm this. But, I'm going to try to be more assertive. If I want to make new friends, then I'm going to have to get out of my bubble of comfort and put myself out there. It's scary, not going to lie. I have a hard time opening myself up to people. I'm honest, so if someone asks me something I'll tell them, but, there are always things I don't say, I don't lie, but...I don't expose myself that much I suppose. I think it takes awhile for people to really get to know me. but....I'm only here for three months and dammit, I really want to meet new people and make some friends out here. So, here's to a week of trying to open myself up and meet people and not being so fucking awkward. I'm queen of being awkward and I need not be.

rant rant's to a fresh new week. I hope it gets better.

This is a picture of the ARTOMATIC building. You can tell I'm awesome at taking pictures at night.

1 comment:

R. Patrick Shelton said...

I hear ya. Opening up is hard, especially when you're in a new environment.
Oh, and it's not just your area of interest that seems full of single people. most places I got are full of single people. The media have us believing that everyone is head-over-heals getting-laid-every-night, in love, monogamous, significant othered and soon-to-be wedded.
Only 17-year-olds and 35+-year olds are in that scenario. The people i know that are in that scene complain about it non-stop.
think about it.
Song of the week: "I found a reason" Velvet Underground-Loaded.
Album of the year: "For Emma, Forever Ago" by Bon Iver. You will dig it. It's the first CD I've actually paid for in a year. Worth every penny. Haunting. Perfecto.